Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Remarks on the Improvement of Live Stock (Anonymous 1825)

Who was the author of the "Remarks on the Improvement of Live Stock" (1825)?

The question is interesting, because this anonymous author wrote:

"Simply procuring the best Males and Females, is not, therefore, the only requisite to insure success in breeding; selection of the proper animals for such a purpose is a sine qua non—THE JUDGEMENT OF THE BREEDER IN MAKING THIS SELECTION CONSTITUTES THE GREAT ART OF IMPROVING; his abilities to discern the good and bad qualities of the animal, and to cross judiciously with others possessed of different properties in such a manner as to eradicate the bad, requires much attention and experience, but when once acquired and followed up, seldom fails of producing the desired effect. Breeding IN and IN* from the most perfect animal, however closely allied, will be found far more advantageous, than changing and crossing animals remote from each other in the peculiar characters of breed, which too frequently produces stock scarcely worth rearing." (Remarks on the Improvement on Live Stock, p. 5, emphases original)

I got no further than determining that the printer, Henry Chubb, was a publisher located on Market Square in "Saint John" in New Brunswick.

Update (31.12.2020): Martin Köchy informed me that he found a review article of the above book spread over two issues of the New England Farmer (16 Nov 1827, Vol. 6, No. 17, p. 134 & 23 Nov 1827, Vol. 6, No. 18, pp. 142-43). As this review also does not mention the author's name, it is probably lost.